Mission Activities – Haiti

Haiti | Cambodia | COVID-19 Outbreak US | COVID-19 Outbreak China

Mission Schedule | Trip Cost | Travel Guide

MVI board decided to cancel all mission trips in 2020


Past Missions

The Haiti mission trip: 1/26 to 2/1/2020.

MVI carrys out the Hydrocele Surgery Program by collaborating Surgeon Volunteers and the New Hope Hospital in Cap Haitien, Haiti.

  • Location: New Hope Hospital, Cap Haitien area, Haiti.
  • Mission program: The Hydrocele Surgery
  • Urologists and other surgeons are needed the most.

1/26: leave home, transfer flight in Miami at 2:15PM, arrive Cap Haitien at 4:08PM
1/27-1/28: mission work at the New Hope Hospital
1/29: Excursion day
1/30: mission work at the New Hope Hospital
1/31 Morning: work at the New Hope Hospital
1/31 afternoon: work at the New Hope Hospital. Arrive the airport before 4PM and Leave Cap Haitien at 5:15pm, arrive at Miami at 7:22PM. Stay at the Miami overnight.
2/1 come home

The Haiti mission trip: 9/12 to 9/18/2019. (Have enough doctors.)

Next hydrocele Surgical mission will be carried out with the MVI’s Multi-specialty mission Program together by collaborating with Surgeon Volunteers and the New Hope Hospital in Cap Haitien, Haiti.

9/12: leave home, transfer flight in Miami at 2:15PM, arrive Cap Haitien at 4:08PM
9/13-9/14: mission work at the clinic and New Hope Hospital
9/15: Excursion day
9/16: mission work at the New Hope Hospital
9/17 Morning: work at the New Hope Hospital
9/17 afternoon: work at the New Hope Hospital. Arrive the airport before 4PM and Leave Cap Haitien at 5:15pm, arrive at Miami at 7:22PM. Stay at the Miami overnight.
9/18 come home


The Haiti mission trip: 6/19 to 6/22/2019.

MVI carrys out the Hydrocele Surgery Program by collaborating Surgeon Volunteers and the New Hope Hospital in Cap Haitien, Haiti.

  • Location: Cap Haitien, Haiti.
  • We plan to establish the Hydrocele Surgery Program in Cap Haitien.
  • Urologists are needed the most.


2018 Haiti Mission: 12/7/2018 to 12/12/2018.

Here is the information on the coming mission trip in December, 2018. MVI carrys out the multi-specialty mission program and Hydrocele Surgery testing Program by collaborating Surgeon Volunteers and the New Hope Hospital in Cap Haitien, Haiti. The doctors with a medical license are welcome to participate.

• The trip date is 12/7/2018 to 12/12/2018.

•The professional medical practitioners most in need are internal medicine, family doctors, pediatrics, gynecology, dentists, and various surgical specialties.

• Cost: $ 2600 per participant.

• All physicians must receive vaccinations that follow US CDC guidelines.

• We first meet at Miami Airport and then take American Airlines to Cap Haitian-Haiti’s northern city, less than two hours away from Miami. American passports are required but no visa is required.

Introduction of Haiti